The tort reform bill passed and was signed by Gov. DeSantis on March 24, 2023. The official summary is that the bill:
- creates rebuttable presumption that lodestar fee is sufficient & reasonable attorney fee in most civil actions
- reduces statute of limitations for negligence actions
- provides standards for bad faith actions;
- provides for distribution of proceeds when two or more third-party claims arising out of single occurrence exceed policy limits
- limits applicability of provisions relating to attorney fees in certain actions against insurers
- provides standards for evidence to prove damages for medical expenses in certain civil actions
- requires certain disclosures with respect to claims for medical expenses for treatment rendered under letters of protection; requires trier of fact to consider fault of certain persons who contribute to an injury
- provides that owner or principal operator of multifamily residential property which substantially implements specified security measures on that property has presumption against liability in connection with certain criminal acts that occur on premises
- revises provisions relating to immunity from liability for injury to trespassers on real property; specifies applicability of provisions relating to offer of judgment & demand for judgment.
Terry P. Roberts Director of Appellate Practice Fischer Redavid PLLCPDF Version